

Did you know GCHS has an online newspaper and a broadcast channel? We are constantly interviewing students around campus and writing their words into stories. Check and see if your interview has ever made it into a story. Linked below are the links to our online newspaper, downloadable app, and our Youtube broadcast channel!

GCTV Announcements

Be sure to check out our Youtube channel (search for GCHS Rebels) to see all of our GCTV broadcasts!

Youtube Channel:

Student Press Newspaper

To download our app on your phone:

Or visit our full website:

You can also follow us on the following social media platforms:

Facebook —GCHS Journalism Department

Instagram— gchs.journalism 

TikTok— @gchsjournalism

YouTube— GCHS Rebels 

Yearbook Announcements

Yearbook Sales Link:

School code: 14694

Yearbook, Newspaper and GCTV sponsor: Leona O'Neal

Email: o'

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