Congratulations to George County Career & Technical Center for receiving the MCEF/Associated Builders & Contractors of Mississippi 2021 Career Technical Center of Excellence in recognition of educational excellence across all vocational construction programs.
The George County Career & Technical Center has demonstrated innovative class instruction, structured course paths for students at all levels of learning, traditional instructor leadership and peer mentoring, early program introduction to potential future students and an accurate and appropriate feedback system to optimize all programs.
Mr. McMullan showing off the Horticullture program to SPIRIT students
SPIRIT students from across George County enjoyed learning about our CTE programs and future careers during their recent visit to the high school.
Rocky Creek SPIRIT students were impressed with the Dino-mite creations from our Welding program
Law and safety instructor John Glass suits up SPIRIT students from Central Elementary
SPIRIT students from Rocky Creek visiting with Ms. Trepkowski and the Automotive students
Skills USA State Competition Winners
Health Science 1 classes visited the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility to learn about medical jobs in a prison.
Welding Students make grills and fire pits to sell to members of the community.
CTE Business Class ringing the Salvation Army bell Christmas 2018!
FFA Competition 2018
Our Business Class passing out boxes for their annual Operation Christmas Child. They let classes all over school participate in filling a box with presents for a child,
Construction class helps teachers around the school with jobs in their classrooms.
Horticulture class beautifying the grounds here at GCHS.
Horticulture sells seasonal plants to the public all year!
Culinary field trip touring Homestead Farm and Packing.
Law and Public Safety providing first aid at Praise in the Park 2018
Teacher Academy hosted their 2018 fall conference.
Law and Public Safety, Health Science I, and Health Science II, field trip to the Courthouse.
State Testing Wall of Fame designed by Savan Patel
Biscuit Cook Off 2018
Career and Technical Education exposes students to different career fields, motivates them to think about their personal college and career path and integrates the development of 21st century pre-professional skills. Career and Technical Education features cross-curricular projects focused on specific career industry themes and academic topics. The CTE courses stress hands-on, project-based learning to provide a more authentic, real-world educational and work-based learning experience for students.
The George County High School Career and Technical Education programs provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, fields, and industries, from skilled trades such as automotive technology, construction, and welding, to fields as diverse as agriculture, teacher education, culinary arts, forestry, business management, law and public safety, and health sciences.
9284 Old 63 South, Lucedale, MS 39452
Phone: 601-947-3116
Fax: 601-530-0961
Notice of Non-discrimination
George County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic origin, disability, or sex.
504 Coordinator: Julie Durgin ( / GCSD Title IX Coordinator: Athletic Director/Director of Operations 601-947-6993
On behalf of the administration, teachers, and support staff, we would like to personally take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us – and more importantly - entrusting us to educate your children. Our focus will always be to provide each of our students with the most rigorous and relevant educational experience with a curriculum that stresses college and career-readiness. We pledge to work relentlessly – every day – to graduate every single child that enters the doors of George County High School.