Peer Tutoring
Our GCHS Math Department offers a peer tutoring program. We greatly appreciate all of the peer tutoring interns working in this program. Tutoring is offered before school, during school (if scheduling permits), and after school hours. We have a tutor to help you... Any GCHS student is eligible for tutoring.
9284 Old 63 South, Lucedale, MS 39452
Phone: 601-947-3116
Fax: 601-530-0961
Notice of Non-discrimination
George County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic origin, disability, or sex.
504 Coordinator: Julie Durgin ( / GCSD Title IX Coordinator: Athletic Director/Director of Operations 601-947-6993
On behalf of the administration, teachers, and support staff, we would like to personally take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us – and more importantly - entrusting us to educate your children. Our focus will always be to provide each of our students with the most rigorous and relevant educational experience with a curriculum that stresses college and career-readiness. We pledge to work relentlessly – every day – to graduate every single child that enters the doors of George County High School.