Professional Resources for Teachers

Professional Resources for Teachers

Crash Course classroom videos

From courses from Astronomy to US History to Anatomy & Physiology, Crash Course offers a wide variety of quick-paced, imaginative videos aimed at learners of all ages.

Ideas for hands-on classroom projects

Learning for Justice archives

Formerly known as Teaching Tolerance...these  resources are designed to help teachers improve their practice and turn schools into strong communities that welcome diversity.

Magnolia Tutorials and Lesson Plans

This link is packed with lesson plans devised by Mississippi librarians and teachers. Each plan helps students learn to use MAGNOLIA resources. 


Daily news articles from leading publications at differentiated reading levels that include standards-aligned quizzing and writing prompts. 


ReadWriteThink provides lesson plans, videos, activities and apps to improve students reading and writing skills.

Teacher Resources

Everything you  need to use about using the library as a teaching resource

Quick reference training material for your promethean boards. For additional training contact IT. 

Education Week

Education Week is the #1 source of non-partisan, high-quality news, and insights covering the K-12 education sector.


Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Published by the nonprofit & nonpartisan George Lucas Educational Foundation, we spotlight best practices, stories of innovation and continuous learning in education.

eSchool News

eSchool News provides latest news and information related to the role of technology in education and schools. 

Google Classroom Training

Google Classroom Fundamentals training to help you integrate Google in your classroom. 

Free Access to Professional Journals for Educators

Stay informed with the latest developments in education through top-notch scholarly information available at no cost. 

Magnolia Journal Alerts

Create journal alerts for your favorite academic and professional journals through Magnolia.

To request library assistance, contact:

Kim Ray  

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